David Simpson

David Simpson nasce a Pasadena, U.S.A. nel 1928. Vive e lavora a Berkeley.

Mostre personali


  1. Codici, Studio la Città, Verona


  1. Interference, Haines Gallery, San Francisco
  2. David Simpson Paintings, Past Present, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe


  1. Illumination, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe
  2. The War Room, Haines Gallery, San Francisco
  3. Spotlight: David Simpson, Haines Gallery, Frieze New York


  1. David Simpson: Heaven and Hell, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe
  2. Fifty Years of Painting, Modernism Gallery, San Francisco


  1. Then and Now, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe
  2. Now and Then, Haines Gallery, San Francisco
  3. True to Light, Geukens Devil Gallery, Knokke
  4. David Simpson – Wall toys for adults, Studio la Città, Verona


  1. David Simpson, Geukens Devil Gallery, Antwerpen


  1. Hommage à David Simpson, Parisian Laundry, Montreal
  2. Heaven and Earth: Interference Paintings, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe


  1. David Simpson, Art Museum of University of Wyoming, Laramie


  1. David Simpson, Gallery Sonja Roesch, Houston
  2. David Simpson: Paintings, Modernism Gallery, San Francisco
  3. David Simpson – Solo show, Studio la Città, Verona


  1. Interference Paintings 2002-2010, a cura di Marco Meneguzzo, Giacomo Guidi arte Contemporanea, Roma
  2. Nonsense Poems, Cheryl Haines Gallery, San Francisco, CA


  1. Interference Blues, Charlotte Jackson Fine Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico


  1. Paintings & Works on Paper, Modernism, San Francisco


  1. Studio la Città, Verona


  1. Light Wells +, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe


  1. Sonta Roesch Gallery, Houston
  2. Light Wells, Haines Gallery, San Francisco


  1. Iridescent Interference, Gallery Sonja Roesch, Houston
  2. Surrealist Landscape and other Departures, Haines Gallery, San Francisco


  1. Cheryl Haines Gallery, San Francisco


  1. James Kelly Contemporary, Santa Fe NM


  1. Artotek, Köln
    Renate Schröder Galerie, Köln


  1. Renate Schröder Galerie, Köln
  2. Studio la Città, Verona
  3. Modernism Gallery, San Francisco


  1. University Art Museum, San Francisco
  2. Renate Schröder Galerie, Köln
  3. Haines Gallery, San Francisco


  1. Sonora Museum of Visual Art, Santa Rosa
  2. Angles Gallery, Santa Monica


  1. Renate Schröder Galerie, Köln
  2. Seomi Gallery, Seoul
  3. Studio la Città, Verona
  4. Haines Gallery, San Francisco


  1. The Panza di Biumo Collection , Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Trento; Rovereto


  1. Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe
  2. Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach
  3. Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano

Mostre collettive


  1. Torn Curtain. Buongiorno, buonasera, a cura di Luca Massimo Barbero e Hélène de Franchis, Studio la Città, Verona


  1. Purple Rain, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe
  2. Neapolitan, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe
  3. Break + Bleed, San Jose Museum of Art, CA


  1. Black Is The Queen of Colour, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe


  1. Quello che non ho venduto…50 anni. Una Storia, Studio la Città, Verona
  2. Impromptu, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe


  1. Quintessence: 6 Perspectives on Abstraction, Haines Gallery, San Francisco
  2. Senza Tema. Carta / Paper, Studio la Città, Verona
  3. In the Ship of Dreams: Artists, Poets and Visionaires of the SS Vallejo, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Sonoma


  1. Continuum Art-as-Art, The Harwood Museum of Art, University of New Mexico, Taos
  2. Chromophobia, a cura di Aldo Parisotto, cc-tapis, Milano


  1. ArteFiera, Studio La Città, Bologna
  2. Quai, Gallerai Giovanni Bonelli, Milano
  3. Summer show, Studio la Città, Verona
  4. Radical: Monochrome Paintings from the Duffy Collection, George Lawson Gallery, San Francisco


  1. Today Together, Studio la Città e Galleria Tonelli, Milano
  2. I like America, The Schaufler Foundation/SCHAUWERK Singelfingen, Singelfingen
  3. Goethe’s Chamber, Cheryl Haines Gallery, San Francisco
  4. Gallery Sonja Roesch, Houston
  5. Proportio, cura di Axel Vervoordt e Daniela Ferretti, Palazzo Fortuny, Venezia


  1. Fundamental Abstraction III, Haines Gallery, San Francisco
  2. The Cosmic Spectrum/Monochromes and Beyond, Montoro 12, Roma


  1. Rosa Piero, Rosa Tiepolo, Rosa Spalletti, Rosa…, Studio la Città, Verona
  2. Summer Juried Member’s Exhibition, The Art Institute and Gallery, Salisbury, MD


  1. Beyond Tradition: Art Legacies at the Richmond Art Center, Richmond Art Center, Richmond


  1. Omaggio a Giuseppe Panza di Biumo Opere della Donazione Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Museo d’Arte di Lugano, Lugano
  2. Extract: Developing Exhibitions Inspired by the Collection, Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach


  1. Other Voices, Other Rooms, Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City
  2. IN – FINITUM, Palazzo Fortuny, Venezia


  1. Fundamental Abstraction II: In Memory of Kim Wauson, Haines Gallery, San Francisco
  2. West Coast Abstraction: Selected Works from 1975-2007, Part I, Modernism Gallery, San Francisco


  1. Galerie Lausberg, Dusseldorf
  2. West Coast Abstraction, Modernism Gallery, San Francisco
  3. Fundamental Abstraction, Haines Gallery, San Francisco
  4. The Panza Collection – An experience in light colour, Albright Knox Gallery, Buffalo, con catalogo


  1. Inneres Leuchten-Farbe als Malerei, Kunstverein Lingen Kunsthalle, Lingen
  2. Recent Paintings, Galleria G7, Bologna
  3. Je ne Regrette Rien, Studio la Città, Verona
  4. The Forman Collection, Albright Knox Gallery, Buffalo


  1. Modernism Gallery, San Francisco
  2. San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA


  1. Albright Knox Art Gallery, N.Y.


  1. La percezione dello spazio , Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Verona
  2. Le stanze dell’arte , MART, Rovereto (curated by Gabriella Belli)


  1. Artisti americani ed europei dalla collezione Panza , Palazzo Ducale, Sassuolo
  2. Nebeneinander III (Painting Today – Overseas and Here ), Galerie Renate Schröder, Köln (con catalogo)


  1. Bay Area Now 2 , Yerba Beun Center for the Arts, San Francisco (con catalogo)


  1. La collezione Panza di Biumo: artisti degli anni ’80 – ’90 , Museo del Palazzo Ducale, Gubbio (con catalogo)


  1. E la chiamano pittura… , Studio la Città, Verona (con catalogo)
  2. Collezione Panza di Biumo, Palazzo delle Albere, Trento (con catalogo)
  3. Haines Gallery, New York


  1. A California Collection , Hunsaker/Schlesinger, Santa Monica
  2. The Panza di Biumo Donation: European and American Art ’83-’93 , Museo Cantonale d’arte, Lugano (con brochure)