
VAT in the EU
If you live in Europe (EU), the price we show already includes VAT, either 22% if exposed, or on margin.

YOU LIVE OUTSIDE THE EU and want to ship outside the EU
For example if you live in Switzerland and you purchase a piece of art with exposed VAT, the due price will be deduced of the 22% VAT charge. Hong Kong, USA band other countries have their own regulations, You may contact us for specific information concerning your country.

Lungadige Galtarossa, 21 – 37133 Verona – +39 045 597549

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It’s always possible to collect your purchase at the gallery.
If you purchase large or heavy products, you will be contacted by the gallery to arrange shipping. You may contact us for specific information concerning the piece of art you have chosen.

Lungadige Galtarossa, 21 – 37133 Verona – +39 045 597549