The category of the in-finitum in its different meanings, from the unfinished to the unlimited, with a multidisciplinary approach where art, science and philosophy of different epochs and civilizations meet and confront one another. The exhibition, created by Axel Vervoordt, ends the extraordinary exhibition series that started at the Fortuny Palace in 2007 with Artempo and continued in 2008 in Paris with Academia. Among the 130 artist shown there were Giovanni Anselmo, Natvar Bhavsar, Pierre Bonnard, Berlinde de Bruyckere, Michael Borremans, Alberto Burri, Alexander Calder, Paul Cézanne, Antonio Canova, Eugène Delacroix, Ray & Charles Eames, Lucio Fontana, Adam Fuss, Giuseppe Gabellone, Herbert Hamak, Jacob Hashimoto, Francesco Hayez, Ann-Veronica Janssens, Anish Kapoor, Anselm Kiefer, Kimsooja, Yves Klein, Piero Manzoni, Brice Marden, Fausto Melotti, Mario Merz, Joan Mirò, Tatsuo Miyajima, Vic Muniz, Renato Nicolodi, Roman Opalka, Palagio Pelagi, Pablo Picasso, Otto Piene, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Guido Reni, Gerhard Richter, George Romney, Thomas Ruff, David Simpson, Kazuo Shiraga, Ettore Spaletti, Vassilikis Takis, Diana Thater, Dirk Van De Len, Jef Verheyen, Rik Wouters, Gilberto Zorio… there were more than 300 artworks with various, almost limitless incentives, juxtapositions, interactions, different results of the thinking and art of all times and continents.