The photographer Vincenzo Castella is among the winners of the “Strategia Fotografia 2020” competition promoted by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity (DGCC) of the Ministry for cultural heritage and activities and for tourism (MiBACT).
“Strategia fotografia 2020” aims to foster the promotion of photography in Italy and abroad, as historic heritage and contemporary language, and an instrument of memory, expression, and understanding of reality, of use for including and increasing an independent critical sensitivity on the part of the public. Towards this end, four lines of action have been planned, relating to the acquisition, commissioning, conservation, and promotion of historic and contemporary photographic heritage, in Italy and abroad.
Proposals may originate from museums, institutions, and places of culture that intend to: augment their photography collections or extend their collections to photography with targeted planning, through acquisitions and commissions; implement interventions to conserve and capitalize on public photographic heritage.
The Central Institute for Catalog and Documentation – ICCD in Rome proposed a project entitled “Vincenzo Castella. Rinascimento italiano”, for the acquisition of 50 works by Vincenzo Castella, concerning the churches of the Italian Renaissance, and is among the winners of the Action Line A (to consult the rankings on the website click HERE).
Photo: Vincenzo Castella
#12 Milano, 2012
Ed. 3/3, c-print
180×225 cm
Pic by Michele Alberto Sereni