Alberto Garutti is the winner of the international Art Competition for the creation of the artworks for the Tre Soglie in Ca’ Corniani; the contest, part of a large project of landscape improvement curated by the architecture studio LAND, has been announced last June: Elena Tettamanti and Antonella Soldaini curated the art, while the landscape was curated by Andreas Kipar.
The five artists selected – Monica Bonvicini, Alberto Garutti, Carsten Höller, Tobias Rehberger and Remo Salvadori – were asked to prepare site-specific works for the three entrances of Ca’ Corniani, in the hinterland of Caorle.
The opening of Alberto Garutti’s three site-specific works will be in March 2018, at the same time of the 16th International Architecture Exhibition at the Biennale in Venice.