fragments from the laminates of continuous time

David Leverett (Nottingham 1938 – London 2020).
Although not an easy-to-classify artist, David Leverett is usually approached with Analytical Painting (or Painting-Painting), a movement in which he brought a breath of authentic poetry. To characterize his paintings, a use of color so intense and dynamic as to make it vibrate as musical notes, using the importance of synesthesia to define the conceptual breadth of contemporary art, its continuous need to go beyond the boundaries.

Published by Studio la Città, Verona, 1978
Catalogue of works between 1973 and 1976
Introduction by David Leverett.
Each page has the reproduction of one work and a poem written by hand, that is part of  that particular work. This catalogue written and designed by Leverett gives a very clear idea of his work and it makes us understand his poetic mind.
72 pages in black and white

 30,00 ( + IVA 22 % )

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