VINCENZO CASTELLA, Inside Deisha Camp Bethlehem 2007 – 2016
Vincenzo Castella (born 21 April 1952) is an Italian photographer, guitarist and director. He lives and works in Milan.
In 2011, Vincenzo Castella and Hema Uphadyay met at an exhibition and had a chance to discuss their work. The affinity between the two was such that it was promised to make an exhibition together. The project has not been able to be realized for the sudden death of Hema, but Vincenzo Castella wanted to keep faith and pay homage, so was born “The Body of the City” (May – September) at the art gallery Studio la Città, 2016
Catalogue realised for the exhibition at Studio la Città, 2016
Text by Gabriele Sassone (Italian / English)
Foldable 8 pages
€ 15,00 ( + IVA 22 % )