Esther Mathis
Esther Mathis è nata in Svizzera nel 1985, attualmente vive e lavora a Zurigo.
Mostre personali
- Isolated Systems, Studio la Città, Verona
- Salt, Kunst am Bau Intervention, Waid, Zurigo
- Isolated Systems Vol.1, Piano Nobile, Ginevra
- Salt, a cura di Sara Serighelli, Spazio O, Milano
- Cross Articulations – Esther Mathis & Riikka Tauriainen, Die Diele, Zurigo
- AreaVideo, Studio MASBEDO, Milano
- Era fluido, Galleria Metronom, Modena
- We could have been anywhere, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo
- Drowning bell, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo
Mostre collettive
- Shenzhen International Photography Week, Artron Art Centre, Shenzhen
- Towards Tomorrow – Andreas Marti & Esther Mathis, Trudelhaus, Baden
- Photo Biennale, Shenzhen
- 100 Jahre Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Edition, Winterthur
- Art-Athina, Dienstgebäude, Athens
- 100 Jahre Künstlergruppe Winterthur
- IAF Art Fair, Dienstgebäude, Warsaw
- Überblick, Kunstmuseum Winterthur
- The Never Ending Story: DOings & kNOTs, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn
- Container Museum, Jungkunst Winterthur
- Nichts Neues, Stadtgalerie Bern, Berna
- Zürich Kritik, Degree Show MFA, Zurgio
- Palermo Galerie, Kunstverein Dialekt, Stuttgart
- Come north baby Track 3, Friction@Gessnerallee, Zurigo
- Guest-Room, Galerie f5,6, Monaco
- Les Sublimes, Fondazione Arthur Cravan e Cose Cosmiche, Milano
- Circulation(s), Centquatre, Parigi
- Always and Forever, Perla-Mode, Zurigo
- Biennale Skulpturen-Symposium, Kulturort Weiertal, Winterthur Oxyd, Winterthur
- Focus, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
- Catch of the Year 2014, Dienstgebäude, Zurigo
- Grosse Regionale, Kunst(Zeug)Haus Rapperswil-Jona, a cura di Paul Smith, Londra
- Ad Naturam, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona
- Unseen, Amsterdam
- Swiss Photo Award, EWZ Selection, Zurigo
- Here and Now. Und die Ferne wird zur Nähe, Perla-Mode + Winterhalder Areal, Zurigo
- Artshow Busan, Korea
- DE RERUM NATURA, Studio la Città, Verona
- Young Features, Galerie Weiertal, Winterthur
- 8 – 12 – 9 – 13, Presentation, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo
- Art 14, Londra
- Who am I, BAG Photo Art Gallery, Pesaro
- Überblick, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
- Default, SIM Gallery, Reykjavik
- Case sparse, Spazio O, Milano
- Fantastic Fragility, Perla Mode, Zurigo
- Unseen, Amsterdam
- Alt.+1000 Festival, Rossinière
- An ode to paper, (un)published, corridor and stairs, Milano
- S/V/N/#4 savana machines, Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Milano
- Focus, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
- Paris Photo, Paris
- Cose Cosmiche #3, Galleria Artra, Milano
- Unseen, Amsterdam
- Präparat Bergsturz, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur
- Dezemberausstellung, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
- Unpublished, Galleria Le Dictateur, Milano
- Cose Cosmiche #2, Galleria Artra, Milano
- Preview Vergissmeinnicht, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo
- Location 2, Cullen Art Services, Brockenhaus, Zurigo
- ARTEFIERA, Jarach Gallery, Bologna
- In cantiere, Milano
- Raiffeisen Bank, Benefiz-Kunst-Auktion, Winterthur
- Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo
- Brevi Racconti, CircusStudio, Milano
- SCOPE Basel, Jarach Gallery, Basilea
- Go away white, Jarach Gallery, Venezia
- Jarach Gallery, Venezia
- Jungkunst, Winterthur
- Galleria Traghetto, Roma
- Galleria San Fedele, Milano
- Foto & Photo, Biennale Internazioale di Fotografia, Milano
- Premio Artevisive San Fedele, Milano
- School of Visual Arts, SVA