Esther Mathis

Esther Mathis è nata in Svizzera nel 1985, attualmente vive e lavora a Zurigo.

Mostre personali


  1. Isolated Systems, Studio la Città, Verona
  2. Salt, Kunst am Bau Intervention, Waid, Zurigo


  1. Isolated Systems Vol.1, Piano Nobile, Ginevra
  2. Salt, a cura di Sara Serighelli, Spazio O, Milano


  1. Cross Articulations – Esther Mathis & Riikka Tauriainen, Die Diele, Zurigo
  2. AreaVideo, Studio MASBEDO,  Milano
  3. Era fluido, Galleria Metronom, Modena


  1. We could have been anywhere, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo


  1. Drowning bell, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo

Mostre collettive


  1. Shenzhen International Photography Week, Artron Art Centre, Shenzhen
  2. Towards Tomorrow – Andreas Marti & Esther Mathis, Trudelhaus, Baden
  3. Photo Biennale, Shenzhen
  4. 100 Jahre Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Edition, Winterthur
  5. Art-Athina, Dienstgebäude, Athens
  6. 100 Jahre Künstlergruppe Winterthur
  7. IAF Art Fair, Dienstgebäude, Warsaw


  1. Überblick, Kunstmuseum Winterthur
  2. The Never Ending Story: DOings & kNOTs, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn
  3. Container Museum, Jungkunst Winterthur
  4. Nichts Neues, Stadtgalerie Bern, Berna
  5. Zürich Kritik, Degree Show MFA, Zurgio
  6. Palermo Galerie, Kunstverein Dialekt, Stuttgart
  7. Come north baby Track 3, Friction@Gessnerallee, Zurigo
  8. Guest-Room, Galerie f5,6, Monaco
  9. Les Sublimes, Fondazione Arthur Cravan e Cose Cosmiche, Milano
  10. Circulation(s), Centquatre, Parigi
  11. Always and Forever, Perla-Mode, Zurigo
  12. Biennale Skulpturen-Symposium, Kulturort Weiertal, Winterthur Oxyd, Winterthur


  1. Focus, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
  2. Catch of the Year 2014, Dienstgebäude, Zurigo
  3. Grosse Regionale, Kunst(Zeug)Haus Rapperswil-Jona, a cura di Paul Smith, Londra
  4. Ad Naturam, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona
  5. Unseen, Amsterdam
  6. Swiss Photo Award, EWZ Selection, Zurigo
  7. Here and Now. Und die Ferne wird zur Nähe, Perla-Mode + Winterhalder Areal, Zurigo
  8. Artshow Busan, Korea
  9. DE RERUM NATURA, Studio la Città, Verona
  10. Young Features, Galerie Weiertal, Winterthur
  11. 8 – 12 – 9 – 13, Presentation, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo
  12. Art 14,  Londra


  1. Who am I, BAG Photo Art Gallery, Pesaro
  2. Überblick, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
  3. Default, SIM Gallery, Reykjavik
  4. Case sparse, Spazio O, Milano
  5. Fantastic Fragility, Perla Mode, Zurigo
  6. Unseen, Amsterdam
  7. Alt.+1000 Festival, Rossinière
  8. An ode to paper, (un)published, corridor and stairs, Milano
  9. S/V/N/#4 savana machines, Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Milano


  1. Focus, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
  2. Paris Photo, Paris
  3. Cose Cosmiche #3, Galleria Artra, Milano
  4. Unseen, Amsterdam
  5. Präparat Bergsturz, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur


  1. Dezemberausstellung, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
  2. Unpublished, Galleria Le Dictateur, Milano
  3. Cose Cosmiche #2, Galleria Artra, Milano
  4. Preview Vergissmeinnicht, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo
  5. Location 2, Cullen Art Services, Brockenhaus, Zurigo
  6. ARTEFIERA, Jarach Gallery, Bologna


  1. In cantiere, Milano
  2. Raiffeisen Bank, Benefiz-Kunst-Auktion, Winterthur
  3. Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurigo
  4. Brevi Racconti, CircusStudio, Milano
  5. SCOPE Basel, Jarach Gallery, Basilea
  6. Go away white, Jarach Gallery, Venezia


  1. Jarach Gallery, Venezia
  2. Jungkunst, Winterthur
  3. Galleria Traghetto, Roma
  4. Galleria San Fedele, Milano


  1. Foto & Photo, Biennale Internazioale di Fotografia, Milano
  2. Premio Artevisive San Fedele, Milano
  3. School of Visual Arts, SVA